Sun salutation

Sun salutation / Surya Namaskar is a set of 12 powerful Yoga poses. Each round consists of two sets of 12 poses each. First we do with right leg and then with left leg. We can start it with chanting :
"OM Surya Namah."

It has following 12 poses.

1. Pranam asan
Prayer pose

2. Hast utthan asan..
Raised arm pose

3. Hast pad asan
Hand to foot pose

4. Ashwa sanchalan asan
Equestrian pose

5. Dand asan
Stick pose

6. Asthang namaskar
Salute with eight points

7. Bhujang asan
Cobra pose

8. Parvat asan
Mountain pose

9. Ashwa sanchalan asan
Equestrian pose

10. Hast pad asan
Hand to foot pose

11. Hast utthan asan
Raised arm pose

12. Tad asan
Tree pose