Sun salutation.

Surya namaskar contains 12 yoga poses and it is complete exercise in itself. In some browser, you may not able to see gif. 

One round of Sun Salutation consists of 12 yoga poses.One set consists of two rounds of Sun Salutation: first stretching the right side of your body and then the left side.

Surya Namaskar calorie calculation:One round of Surya Namaskar burns upto 13.90 calories for an average weighing person.You can now set the target for yourself. Slowly you can increase the number of rounds of surya namaskar to 108. By the time you reach this number, you will find a leaner you.

30-minutes workout calorie meter. How  much calories are you burning in your 30 minute workout?

Weight lifting = 199 calories

Tennis = 232 calories

Basketball = 265 calories

Beach volleyball = 265 calories

Football = 298 calories

Bicycling (14 – 15.9 mph) = 331 calories

Rock climbing = 364 calories

Running (7.5mph) = 414 calories

Surya Namaskar = 417 calories