Do not put salt in curd.

दही में नमक डाल कर न खाऐं.. #healthtips

कभी भी आप दही को नमक के साथ मत खाईये।
दही को अगर खाना ही है, तो हमेशा दही को मीठी चीज़ों के साथ खाना चाहिए, जैसे कि चीनी के साथ, गुड के साथ, बूरे के साथ आदि।

अगर आप दही में लेंस से देखेंगे तो आपको छोटे-छोटे हजारों बैक्टीरिया नज़र आएंगे। ये बैक्टीरिया जीवित अवस्था में ही हमारे शरीर में जाने चाहिए, क्योंकि जब हम दही खाते हैं तो हमारे अंदर एंजाइम प्रोसेस अच्छे से चलता है। हम दही केवल बैक्टीरिया के लिए खाते हैं। दही को आयुर्वेद की भाषा में जीवाणुओं का घर माना जाता है। अगर एक कप दही में आप जीवाणुओं की गिनती करेंगे तो करोड़ों जीवाणु नजर आएंगे।

अगर आप मीठा दही खायेंगे तो ये बैक्टीरिया आपके लिए काफ़ी फायेदेमंद साबित होंगे। वहीं अगर आप दही में एक चुटकी नमक भी मिला लें तो एक मिनट में सारे बैक्टीरिया मर जायेंगे और उनकी लाश ही हमारे अंदर जाएगी जो कि किसी काम नहीं आएगी। क्योंकि नमक में जो केमिकल्स है वह जीवाणुओं के दुश्मन है।

आयुर्वेद में कहा गया है कि दही में ऐसी चीज़ मिलाएं, जो कि जीवाणुओं को बढाये ना कि उन्हें मारे या खत्म करे। दही को गुड़ के साथ खाईये। गुड़ डालते ही जीवाणुओं की संख्या मल्टीप्लाई हो जाती है और वह एक करोड़ से दो करोड़ हो जाते हैं। थोड़ी देर गुड मिला कर रख दीजिए। बूरा डालकर भी दही में जीवाणुओं की ग्रोथ कई गुना ज्यादा हो जाती है। मिश्री को अगर दही में डाला जाये तो ये सोने पर सुहागे का काम करेगी। भगवान कृष्ण भी दही को मिश्री के साथ ही खाते थे। पुराने समय के लोग अक्सर दही में गुड़ डाल कर दिया करते थे।

How to do Hal asan.

हलासन करने का सही तरीका और लाभ.........

हर उम्र के स्‍त्री और पुरुष इस आसन को कर सकते हैं। यह देखने में सरल लगता है मगर इतना सरल है नहीं हालांकि नियमित अभ्‍यास से सब इसे कर लेते हैं। रीढ़ की हड्डी लचीली बनाने और मोटापा दूर करने में मदद करने के अलावा हलासन में एक खास बात ये है कि तन को सुंदर बनाने के साथ उसकी बदबू को भी दूर करता है। हालांकि नहाएंगे नहीं तो कोई आसन आपकी बदबू दूर नहीं कर पाएगा, और तब तो डियो भी काम नहीं करता। बहरहाल कुछ लोग ऐसे होते हैं, जिनके शरीर से कुछ ज्यादा ही महक उठती है ऐसे लोग इस आसन से लाभ उठा सकते हैं।

@ हलासन करने का सही तरीका........

जमीन पर पीठ के बल लेट जाएं और हाथों ऐसे रखें कि आपकी हथेलियां जमीन पर हों। अब अपने पैरों को उठाएं और धीरे-धीरे पीछे की ओर ले जाएं। पैरों को पीछे ले जाकर अंगूठा जमीन से छुआ दें। आप घुटनों को नाक से लगाने का प्रयास न करें। अब कोशिश करें कि आपकी कमर सीधी हो जाए। तस्‍वीर में जो लड़की हलासन कर रही है उसकी फॉर्म करीब करीब पूरी तरह से सही है मगर कमर को पूरी तरह से सीधा करने के लिए आपको लंबा अभ्‍यास करना होगा।
कुछ देर इसी तरह टिके रहने की कोशिश करें फिर वापस पहले वाली पोजीशन में लौट आएं। आसन के दौरान सांस को सामान्‍य गति से चलने दें।

ध्यान रखें : दिल के रोगी, हाई बीपी और लो बीपी के मरीजों को ये आसन नहीं करना चाहिए। इसे कभी भी झटके के साथ नहीं करें। पहले अपने पैर बस 30 डिग्री तक उठायें और वापस ले जायें। फिर पैरों को 90 डिग्री तक उठायें और वापस ले जायें। तीसरी बार में पैरों को पूरी तरह से पीछे ले जायें।

@ हलासन के लाभ.....

1 इस आसन से ब्लड सर्कुलेशन दुरुस्त होता है, जिसकी बदौलत त्वचा संबंधित रोग ठीक होते हैं। यही वजह है कि इसे करने से बॉडी से आने वाली बदबू कम हो जाती है।
2 पेट के फैट को कम करता है, कमर की सख्ती को कम करता है और पेशाब से जुड़े रोग दूर हो जाते हैं।
3 चेहरे का तेज बढ़ता है और आंखों की रोशनी बढ़ाने में भी मदद करता है।
4 दमा के रोगियों को हलासन का अभ्‍यास करना चाहिए।
5 गुदा रोगों से छुटकारा मिलता है।

Stay healthy & happy.... Join our refreshing Yoga sessions.
Whatsapp or call +916283266268

Check video of this yoga pose at :

Curd health tips.

हम सभी जानते हैं की दही सेहत के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद होता है परन्तु दही में नमक और चीनी के अलावा कुछ ऐसी चीजें भी हैं जिन्हें दही में मिलाकर खाने से शरीर को दोगुना फायदा होता है। आइए जाने ऎसी ही कुछ चीजों के बारे में:

1. काला नमक और भूना जीरा - दही में काला नमक और भूने जीरे को डालकर खाने से उसका स्वाद तो बढ़ता ही है साथ में इससे भूख बढ़ती है और डाइजेशन सिस्टम भी ठीक रहता है।

2. शहद - दही में शहद मिलाकर खाने से मुंह के छाले ठीक होते हैं।

3. काली मिर्च - दही में काले नमक के साथ काली मिर्च मिलाकर सेवन करने से शरीर पर जमा एक्स्ट्रा चर्बी कम होती है।

4. शक्कर और ड्राईफ्रूट - दही में शक्कर और सूखे मेवे मिलाकर खाने से शरीर की कमजोरी दूर होती है और यह शरीर का वजन बढ़ाने में भी मदद करता है।

5. अजवायन - बवासीर के रोगी को दही में अजवायन मिलाकर खाना चाहिए।

6. चावल - दही में उबले हुए चावल मिलाकर खाने से आधे सिर के दर्द की समस्या में फायदा होता हैं.

7. सौंफ - दही में सौंफ मिलाकर खाने से नींद न आने की समस्या दूर होती है। इसके अलावा पेट की गैस और जलन होने पर भी इसका सेवन कर सकते हैं।

8. ओट्स - दही में ओट्स मिलकर खाने से शरीर को कैल्शियम, पोटेशियम और प्रोटीन मिलता है जिससे हड्डियां मजबूत होती हैं।

9. ईसबगोल - लूज मोशन की समस्या होने पर दही में ईसबगोल मिलाकर खाएं। इससे तुरंत राहत मिलती है और यह कोलेस्ट्रोल घटाने में भी मदद करता है।

10. केला - दही में केला मिलाकर खाने से पेट की कई समस्याएं दूर होती हैं और इससे ब्लड प्रैशर भी कंट्रोल में रहता है।

Stay healthy & happy with our refreshing Yoga sessions. +919478026584

Yoga for kids.

Its so much fun not only for kids but for yoga instructor also in conducting yoga session with them. Kids are natural yogis. :-) New number to contact is 6283266268

Benefits of yoga.

The benefits of yoga are multifold.

1. It has many health benefits.

2. It changes the behavior of a person because behavior depends on the stress levels in a person. It creates a friendly disposition and a very pleasant atmosphere in people.

3. More than words we convey a lot through our presence; our vibrations. Yoga helps to improve our vibes.
I would like to give an example:
When someone close to you says, 'Have a nice day', and when an air hostess greets you saying, 'Have a nice day!', just observe and see, you can notice a clear difference When the air hostess greets you saying, 'Have a nice day', she really does not mean it. But the same words, when it comes to you from a close friend, it carries certain vibes.

4. Speaking in terms of Quantum Physics, we are all emitting vibes or wavelengths. When communication breaks down, we often say, 'Our wavelengths don't match'.
This is because our ability to communicate depends on our ability to receive communications from others. Here, yoga helps us to have that clear mind.

5. Another issue that we face in society today is prejudice. All types of prejudice: prejudice of religion, race, gender, class, educational status, financial status, etc.
All these different types of prejudice have clogged the mind of men and that is how conflicts arise in society. Yoga helps us to reach out and resolve this conflict created by prejudice. Spontaneously and naturally, yoga makes our mind free from prejudice.
I would like to quote an incident that happened a few years ago in Ivory Coast. There was polarization between two villages, where the people of one village chased out the people from the other village. One of our volunteers went and talked to them, taught them some yoga and some meditation, and brought the people of both villages together. You can see from this experience, how the people could break that prejudice in their minds and shake hands with the people who were different. I think this is very much needed in the world today.
~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Stay healthy & happy with our yoga sessions.

IYD rehearsal pics.

3rd International yoga day rehearsal at sector 17 Plaza, Chandigarh.

Introduce healthy lifestyle.

Introduce your near & dear ones to healthy lifestyle. Send them to ongoing free yoga camp up to June 21, 2017 at Kharar. Contact 9478026584

Centers for 3rd international Yoga day

Dear all
Registrations for 3rd International Yoga Day has started.

All those who want to participate on June 21 @ sec 17 plaza will have to undergo a week's training. Centers for IYD protocol training :

1. Sec 46- 9417051716
2. Sec 32- 9779113312
3. Sec 34- 9814008832
4. Sec 35- 9878990883
5. Sec 36- 9413376454
6. Sec 33- 9988870888
7. Sec 68- 9216503229
8.  PGI - 9780995097
9. Kharar- 9478026584

Please Contact​ the above given numbers for the centers nearby to you. If I will get information about more venues, I will inform you.

Stay healthy & happy with yoga.

Master yoga trainers.

Registered yourself for International yoga day at sector 17 Plaza, Chandigarh...!!

Registration for IYD.

Dear all����

Registrations for IYD( International Yoga Day) has started.

All those who want to participate on June 21st @ sec 17 plaza will have to undergo a week's training at different centers nearby.

We have only 200 seats for the finale by Chandigarh Administration. First Come First Serve ��

Register @ +919478026584
Just SMS or whatsapp
Name , Contact number & Sector/society/area.

Once you register we will let you know the practice center. Register before 15th june������ JGD

Free yoga camp on IYD occasion.

Celebrating 3rd International yoga day in association with Chandigarh Administration & Art of living.

Free Yoga training.
Everyone is welcome to join Free Yoga training  for a week as per international yoga day protocol.

As this time also I have been chosen Master Yoga trainer by Chandigarh Administration through AOL. Last time I have trained more than 50 participants in sector 47. Those who got selected (around 10 from my batch) for final day got opportunity to do yoga at Capitol complex with PM Modi. They also got free T-shirt & mat, though this time not announced yet.

Venue for yoga training will be most probably in Sunny enclave,  Kharar. Though it may shifted to your society or other area depending on number of participants from that area. Venue for final day, June 21 will be most probably Sector 17 Plaza, Chandigarh.

Timings here for yoga training will be most probably 5 or 6 am in morning.

So whoever is interested are welcome to *give their name, phone & your residence area/society to me by this Friday* as I have to provide your details further to administration. Those who are already attending my paid yoga sessions can also attend above training and need to inform me by this Friday. Training will be started from coming Monday.


Aqua yoga.

Enjoy your summer holidays with aqua yoga....!!

Benefits of Surya namaskar

There are lots of benefits of Surya namaskar. As it is complete workout in itself.

Make these holidays productive.

Let your children learn something that will help for whole life..!!

Mega course.

Mega happiness course in Punjab with more than 70 participants...!!
#yoga #spreadhappiness

Summer holidays camp for kids.

Utilize your kid's summer holidays productively through yoga.

Suffering from summer headache.

Are you suffering from headache in summer.

Yoga camp success.

Successfully conducted three days yoga and meditation camp with more than 300 participants...!!

Best position to sleep.

What's best position for sleep...

Important tips for health.

Few important points for your health.

We need to make the blood alkaline. See, the kind of food that we eat in India is acidic in nature. Eating acidic food causes joint pain, lethargy and diseases in our body. So what should we do about this? We need to make the blood alkaline to balance this.

So would suggest you to drink alkaline water. Do this and see how it brings a change in your health.

All vegetables are alkaline, while fruits are mainly acidic. Spices, rice and even milk is acidic.

So you need to change this. Two to three hours after your meals, you should drink some alkaline water. Do not drink it immediately before or after your food, as the food will not get digested properly.

How can you make water alkaline?

Take one litre of water, put four cut pieces of cucumber and two small pieces of lemon in it. Keep this overnight and the water becomes alkaline.

Drink a glass of this alkaline water two to three hours after your food. Or if you have already drunk some alkaline water, then you should leave a gap of at least one to two hours before you have eat your meals.

Try this and see how the PH of your blood becomes better.

Reduce the quantity of grains and cereals in your meals.

Food should get well digested. We eat so much and then it does not get digested well, because of which you experience cramps and aches in the body.

So once every few days, do not have any grains or cereals in your meals at all, just have raw or boiled vegetables.

We have a tradition in India that on the days of Ekadashi (hindu festival), we fast and do not take any grains. Why is this so? For 15 days we consume all sorts of grains and rice, and that creates acidity in the body.

By fasting and avoiding grains completely for one day, that phenomenon (of acidity) gets reversed.

Nowadays we have left that tradition, or sometimes we do not get time to follow it properly.

So, every two to three months, for a few days, you should only have boiled vegetables with a little salt, and no grains at all.

Do this and see what good change you experience in your health.

We often boil vegetables too much, and drain away all the water in which the vegetables have been boiled. When we do this, all the nutrients are lost and we eat only the remaining portion, which is not very nutritious. You should not boil them too much, except potatoes.

Eating potatoes raw is no good. Usually in India, people often have tomatoes, potatoes and brinjals (aubergine), and eat less of green vegetables. We should consume more of green vegetables.

You can also have the Oorja tablets from Sri Sri Ayurveda. It helps to complete all the deficiencies in our diet.

Do you know, drumsticks (Indian vegetable) are so rich in vitamins and minerals. It is said that the leaves of the drumstick tree have nutrition equal to 10 bananas and 20 oranges.

Our body should get balanced and nutritious food.

Food tips for Thyroid disorder.

Food tips for people with Thyroid disorders.

Bio chemistry of Sudarshan Kriya.

What happened by doing yogic kriya....

Healthy points.

Few points for your health.

Correct pillow position.

So much relief one can get from neck & back pain from this simple correction...

Neck pain relief.

Yoga for neck pain.

Present moment.

Be in present moment through yoga.

Correct posture.

Correct your posture and alignment through yoga.

Position for back pain relief.

Position to get relief from back pain.

Mudras for summer.

Mudras to keep you cool this summer.

Sugar is poison.

Sugar is Poison.....☠

1. First factory to manufacture sugar was established by the British in 1866.

2. Indians used to eat Jaggery before this and seldom used to fall sick.

3. To make sugar sulphur is used, which is used in making fire crackers. Sulphur is an element that, once it enters the body it cannot be excreted from our body.

4. Sugar increases Cholesterol which is the main reason for heart attack. Sugar increases the weight of the body and thus we become fat.

5. Sugar increases Blood Pressure. It is also the reason for Brain damaging clots. The sweetness in sugar is that of Sucrose, and this cannot be digested by human beings. To make sugar 23 harmful ingredients / chemicals are used.

● Sugar is one of main reasons for getting diabetes.
◆ Sugar is the reason for burning in stomach.
● Sugar increases the level of Triglycerides in body.
◆ Sugar is the main reason for causing Paralysis.

Instead of sugar use Jaggery. Brown sugar is considered as one of the purest forms of sugar which contains mollases (which imparts the Brown colour to sugar) and is rich in minerals. Brown sugar is ideal for people who want to balance their diet, get healthy and gain some of its benefits. The fact that Brown Sugar is less processed is an added advantage and each step of processing exposes it to more chemicals. So use Gud' or Shakr' instead of Sugar from today.

Celebrating yoga.

Celebrating for being regular in yoga sessions!!

Yoga for fertility.

Yoga poses for PCOS, poly cystic ovarian syndrome and fertility.

Certificate from Chandigarh admin.

Today got Yoga Master Trainer appreciation certificate from Chandigarh administration at Tagore theater.

Yoga for back.

There are various yoga poses for preventing and relief of back pain. Of course this is not to be done when you are already suffering intense pain.

Updated Venues

For latest venues its best to contact through Whatsapp or call us at +91 62832 66268.  As venues & time slots keep on changing depending on participants. Following list is updated in November 2019.

Group yoga sessions are going on at Kharar at following venues :
1015 am Jamuna apartments, Kharar Kurali road.
615 pm Near Sunny Enclave gurudwara.

Personal home sessions are going on at following venues :

430 am Near ACME Heights
515 am Model Town
615 am Gilco towers
8 am Shivalik city
515 pm Orchid apartments, Sunny enclave.
915 pm Online session for Canada.

Free time slots that are available for personal, online and group sessions are :

7 am
9 am
430 pm
7 pm

You can also form group in your society  neighborhood, friends or knowns. At least 4-5 participants are required to form the group. 

Water can become poison.

Though water is very good and safe choice for health and helps in releasing toxins from body. But Don't drink water at least half hour before, after or even during eating food. Otherwise it dilutes our digestion enzymes, thus food not getting digested properly. This results in all types of problems including increase in uric acid, joint pain and so on.

If necessary take little sips of water. Curd or Lassi is better alternative. ��

Healthy employees means productive employees.

Taking yoga session for Schindler company's employees. Now innovative companies also care about their employees health. Because they know healthy and happy employees obviously means productive employees.

Surya namaskar

It's complete work out. As it contains 12 yoga poses.

Yogi Valentine.

When you are connected with you inner self, every day is Valentine...!!

Yoga for back pain.

Yoga for back pain.

Guided meditations.

Links to Online Guided Meditations
Please feel free to share on your wall to reach as many as we can.

1. Power Meditation  7 minute

2. Om Meditation- 10 minutes

3. Transforming Emotions

4. Journey Within

5.  Sound to Silence

6. “Hara Hara” Meditation

7. Breath of Relaxation

8.  Shiv- Shakti Meditation

9. Yoga Nidra ( Hindi)

10. Morning Meditation

11. Meditation for Peace ( Hindi)

12. Rudram Taking shower with Mantra – Mantra Snanam

Stay healthy & happy, join our refreshing yoga sessions.

Never mistake yoga to be just a physical act.

Rules of Yoga ������

Never mistake a yoga asana to be simply a physical act, It's more than just physical.

When you balance your body you balance your emotions.

Forward bends allow you to become more understanding & flexible to people & situations.

Backward bends give you strength & courage to face and overcome the setbacks in life.

Twisting releases all fears and inhibitions that stop you from moving forward.

Pranayama gives you the inner mental stamina to give your best effort in personal & professional life.

Daily dhyana, meditation develops intuition so that you can feel your inner voice and choose on what can lead you towards joy & happiness.

All these life changes happen during your asana practice. Never mistake yoga to be just a physical act. ����

Skeleton yoga

Yoga not only helps in flexibility of your muscles but also make your bones stronger.
#yoga #benefits

Yoga or hospital.

Its always your choice to choose yoga earlier in your life or hospital later.
#yoga #motivation

Experience yourself.

Only practice can help you realize the importance of yoga for you, not just at physical plane but mental, emotional and spiritual level also.